- Proposed a hybrid laser and vision-based NDI system (HLV-NDI)
- Proposed a phase-based image process technique with multi-sensor data fusion (MSDF) and Riesz hypercomplex representation (RHR)
- Walked through the technology transfer process for the development of a hybrid interferometry system

Conducted research on a hybrid laser and vision-based NDI system (HLV-NDI) for damage inspection and quantification. The innovations will overcome current major obstacles for rapid large area detection and characterization of either manufacturing or in-service damage in composite structures in terms of sensitivity, resolution, and accuracy.

All rights reserved to
- Smart Structures and Materials Lab, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University
- Integrated Structural Health Management Lab, National Institute of Aerospace
- and all the participated members.
- Smart Structures and Materials Lab, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University
- Integrated Structural Health Management Lab, National Institute of Aerospace
- and all the participated members.